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Intercultural communication and global community building

Since our foundation back in 2009, Global SKILLs has worked tirelessly to provide multi-cultural, multi-generational consulting, coaching and training to learners of all ages so they are better able to communicate effectively, live in sustainably healthy ways and be fully engaged in their communities.




                       2020 is an exciting year - we are celebrating our 10th anniversary.

We're so glad you have stopped by and we invite you to join with us in celebrating - as we look back...and as we look forward.


Looking back, our first decade has been a time of vision casting; strategic program and project planning, design, and implementation; networking and collaborating. We've worked in Africa, Europe and the US, through our Language and Culture-Wise Hub, for integrated community-based language and culture learning. More recently, we have been developing a portfolio for sustainable, healthy living through programs in our Community-Wise and Tiny Circles Hubs.


Looking forward, with renewed focus on mutually beneficial collaboration and community building, we anticipate continuing with tried and true services even as we also develop new connections (face-to-face and virtual) and content to 'reach out and touch' the wide world through our unique perspectives and innovative learning strategies. 


So, wander through our pages here, and begin to get an idea of how this all 'fits together'. And please do connect with us for more information on whatever is of interest to you!


A special note from Betsy on 

Our Covid19 response


In the very midst of the current global pandemic and daily, often stressful 'now normal' situations we are all facing...I hope you are staying well and safe.


Although of course we need to be connected to what's happening around us and around the world, caring for our own well-being is the first step in being able then to serve our neighbors and others further afield.

As part of Global SKILLs' efforts to reach out and serve you during these trying times, you'll find throughout the site personal and community wellness suggestions, resources and thoughts. These will be noted as: 

One Tiny Step

We all have experienced how seeing something interesting or pretty or intriguing can uplift our mind and spirits. How about taking a break right now and enjoying a stroll down our memory lane through these photos from our Global SKILLs archives. And then, maybe later today or this weekend, spend some time in your own 'memory lane' special places - resting, remembering and enjoying! 

You can see detail notes if you hover over the lower left corner of the photo.






Check out what we offer and let us know how we can serve your needs!





STEPping out to achieve intercultural proficiency includes:

  • knowing who you are as a learner

  • understanding the essentials about proficiency

  • identifying your goals

  • targeting proficiency tasks

  • designing a strategic plan just right for you

  • checking on your process & progress



(239) 437-3784

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